

U.S.-China FDI Goes Cold While Venture Capital Heats Up

As the U.S.-China trade war rages, two-way foreign direct investment (FDI) is plummeting. So far this year, combined two-way U.S. and Chinese FDI totals just $9.9 billion – its lowest six-month value in five years. At the same time, venture capital investment is becoming an increasingly bigger piece of the U.S.-China investment puzzle.

Coming and Going, the U.S. Wins from Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a vehicle for gaining entry into growth markets. In theory and in general, it’s a win-win. In practice and locally, it will depend on each deal. Global FDI flows have taken a dive, in part due to a souring investment climate and uncertainties in trade policies, but they are critical for growth in developing and developed markets alike.

Life Sciences in MA Feature

One Square Mile in Cambridge: A Prescription for Global Investment in the U.S. Life Sciences Sector

Cambridge is a major hub in Massachusetts’ life sciences ecosystem. What makes up the DNA of vibrant biopharma and medical device industries? Trade associations, overseas governments and investors, and U.S. government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels are all part of the prescription for economic growth.

Asia Assembly Line

Is the Trade War Causing Manufacturers to Leave China? Yes and No.

Manufacturers of labor-intensive products like apparel have already been looking elsewhere in Asia as labor costs continue to rise in China. China has not substantially increased market access for foreign investors in many sectors, causing foreign investment to slow or flatline in recent years. With lingering doubts about the worsening investment climate in China, the trade war is hastening decision-making that had already been underway.

US-China FDI Project Screenshot Feature Image

Tracking US-China Investments

Chinese investments in the United States plunged while U.S. investments in China flatlined. See what’s driving these trends on the US-China FDI Project website.

Who and What is the G20?

What’s important about these summits is not the prepared statements delivered at the main table, but the frank discussions and informal meetings that take place in the corridors and meeting rooms around the main conference.

The New Blueprint for U.S.-Backed Development Financing

The BUILD Act enjoyed bipartisan support in the Congress because it represents to many in the development policy community a smarter, more modern way to advance development objectives. The new development financing agency it creates will also provide an alternative to China’s aggressive financing of infrastructure projects in developing markets.

Trade Trends

Trade Trends in 8 Charts

Today’s biggest trade trends in 8 colorful and easy-to-share charts. Topics include world’s largest importers and exporters, China’s explosive growth, Japanese investment in the United States, global oil flows, and more.


China is Outpacing and Outspending the U.S. in Diplomacy and Development

At the same time the United States is considering cutting funding for diplomacy and development by 30 percent, China doubled its diplomacy budget over the last five years, proposing to increase its foreign affairs budget by 15 percent in 2018 alone.