Organic Windfall Apples With Spots

Do Food Standards Inhibit Trade in Ugly Produce?

“Ugly” produce is a local trend serving a niche market. But if it does go global, there are a number of changes that would need to be made to standards at international, national and retailer levels on how we define what food “should” look like.

Hand of a businessman shaking hands with a droid robot. The concept of human interaction with artificial intelligence.

China’s Industrial Policies and Trade Rules – If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em?

Discussions are now underway as to whether EU antitrust policies need to be relaxed in order to allow greater latitude to meet the challenge posed by Chinese mega-firms.

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A High Wire Act: The Trump Administration and Section 232

The current administration’s use of Section 232 to impose trade-restrictive measures on imports of steel and aluminum has become the source of increasing domestic discontent among steel-using industries, farmers who are the target of retaliatory tariffs, and Members of Congress who are reconsidering having delegated powers over trade to the President. It has also put WTO dispute settlement to an unwelcome test.

Business concept

Do You Need Competition Policy When You Have Free Trade?

Domestic competition policies aim to promote equitable opportunities to compete in the marketplace. They are oriented toward fostering the most efficient use of resources and increasing the incentives to innovate, both of which result in lower prices, better quality, and more choice for consumers. But domestic competition policies have limitations when it comes to cross-border transactions.For over two decades in international forums, governments have discussed whether and how to develop common approaches to national competition policies.

American Us Canadian Australian Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan banknote

USMCA Currency Provisions Set a New Precedent

The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement contains provisions on macroeconomic and exchange rate policies for the first time in a trade agreement. By setting a precedent, the Trump administration is likely to insist on similar commitments in future trade negotiations.

Energy Trade and GATT Rules: Is Something Missing?

Trade in hydrocarbons, fissionable materials and cross-border transmission of electricity largely take place outside the multilateral trading system. Two key developments may now lead to convergence between the energy business and the rules of the WTO.

Import Substitution: From Cars to Soccer Stars

Last year, almost 70 percent of the players in England’s Premier League were from other countries. Could this be causing a hollowing out of talent when the World Cup rolls around? Does the home country need to be more “protected” by setting aside more spots for local talent? Or does a “free trade” approach drive up the level of competition?

Export Controls and the Art of Modern Defense

Export controls are not a new idea. They date back to at least the 14th century when the English tried to keep longbow technology out of the hands of the French during the Hundred Years War. Today, we face a very different world with multiple adversaries, including non-state actors, and no strong consensus on how or when to act.

Trade Promotion Authority: Driving Trade Deals on the Fast Track to Congressional Approval

A May 17 NAFTA deadline has been in the news. That’s because Congressional leaders have advised the Trump administration that the deal needs to get done soon in order to have a vote on NAFTA 2.0 in this Congress under so-called “fast track” voting procedures. There are all sorts of steps on the timeline built into the Trade Promotion Authority legislation (TPA) for expedited approval of trade agreements. Here’s a short version of the history, context, and essentials of how it all works.

Investor-State Dispute Settlement Faces Hurdles on the Road Ahead

The United States has a long history of advancing the rules-based order and, as a practical matter, has never lost a dispute arising from one of its many investment agreements. But investor-state dispute settlement procedures may not have a future.