
La Dolce Vita…Trade Brings Italy’s Delicacies to the North End of Boston

Ethnic neighborhoods across the United States – from Little Havana in Miami to San Francisco’s Chinatown – allow us to experience elements of a culture and cuisine without needing to break out a passport. Read about how trade brings the best of Italy’s food to residents and tourists in Boston’s North End.

How Rural America Benefits From the H-1B Program

Since its creation in 1990, the U.S. H-1B visa program has enabled American employers to hire highly-skilled foreign workers when native-born talent is in short supply. As many as 1 in 4 physicians in the United States are foreign-trained and they are much more likely than their American counterparts to serve in areas with higher poverty and lower educational levels.

Which Countries Invest and Employ the Most Workers in U.S. States?

The operations of majority-owned U.S. affiliates added $869.1 billion to the U.S. economy in 2014 and employed 6.4 million American workers. They are heavy traders as well, accounting for an astounding 26 percent of total U.S. exports of goods in 2013, and 30.3 percent of imports of goods.

This Tiny Program Helps Small Manufacturers Grow

The secret to the success of Michele’s Granola is more than a great product. Also instrumental was a little-known, decades-old government initiative – the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program – aimed at helping small and medium-sized manufacturers grow.

Small American Cities Depend More on Exports than Big Cities

If you were to take a guess as to which American metropolitan areas export the most, you’d probably be right: New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Dallas, and Seattle top the list. But, if ranked by exports as a share of local GDP, it’s America’s smaller cities that top the list – four of the most export dependent are smaller cities in Indiana.

The “Starbucks Effect”: Trade in the North American Neighborhood

Last year, real estate research group Zillow determined that homes located within a quarter-mile of a Starbucks coffee shop increased in value by 96 percent. Starbucks is a premium brand. So is North America. We’re lucky in the United States because Canada and Mexico are the kind of neighbors that increase our value.

Maryland’s Plan to Hatch Foreign Investment

On the third floor of a nondescript office building in a busy commercial strip in College Park, Maryland, foreign-owned start-ups can get a boost at the Maryland International Incubator