Argentina Applies Over 500 Export Duties – How’s That Working Out?

The economy of Argentina has been distorted by nearly 600 different export taxes. Trade restrictions can reinforce poor economic outcomes.

TradeVistas | free trade and COVID-19

Free Trade in Medicines and Supplies is the Healthiest Approach

The WTO zero-for-zero tariff agreement on trade in health-related products needs to be expanded. Free trade will help promote recovery after COVID-19.

TradeVistas | section 232 tariffs, imported autos, and tariff authority

Driving Congress to Act on National Security Tariffs

Imported autos are being targeted with tariffs for “national security” reasons – but why? Congress introduced bipartisan bills to restrain the administration’s use of Section 232 tariffs. In a still-confidential 2019 report, the Department reportedly found that imported autos like the Volkswagon GTI “threaten to impair the national security” and recommended that the president impose tariffs as high as 25 percent.

TradeVistas | livestock trade in goat farming

The Global Travels of Live Animals

Trade in live animals is listed in Chapter 1 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Livestock trade (from bees to goat farming) provides extra income and improves nutrition in developing countries.

TradeVistas | Harley-Davidson motorcycle tariffs

America’s Favorite Hog is Driving U.S.-India Trade Relations

Harley-Davidson wants to grow international sales of its iconic motorcycles. But tariffs have thrown a monkey-wrench into those plans. Tariffs on Harley-Davidson bikes are a sticking point in U.S.-India trade relations.

TradeVistas | european wine tariffs hurt U.S. wine industry

U.S. Wine Industry is Drowning its Sorrows Over Transatlantic Trade Spat

European wine is getting caught in a decades old trade dispute. But tariffs on imported wines from France, Germany, or Spain are a lose-lose for the U.S. wine industry. European winemakers may just shift their exports to avoid U.S. tariff pain and grow their market share in emerging economies like China.

China United States Trade

U.S.-China Trade War Timeline

As negotiations continue toward a trade agreement, President Trump and President Xi of China have imposed tariffs on each country’s products in an unprecedented trade war. If you’ve lost track of how we got here, here is a handy quick guide to recent events unfolding in the ongoing U.S.-China trade war.


Holiday Bicycle Shoppers are in for a Bumpy Ride

If you’re in the market for a bicycle to put under the tree this year, trade policy has made your choices more complicated. New tariffs on bicycles have increased prices for U.S. importers and consumers. But a higher and more generous threshold for duty-free online purchases directly from foreign retailers can be a way to escape the tariffs — but it can be a gamble.

Soybean farmer handful of harvested crop seed

Soybean Prices are a Proxy for How the Trade War is Going

Responding to U.S. tariffs, China has imposed a 25 percent tariff on U.S. soybeans since July last year. The tariff has remained in place as leverage in the trade war – a proxy for whether China perceives progress is being made or not in the negotiations.

Carousel toy

Carousel Retaliation: Tariff Uncertainty on Another Ride

In response to WTO-illegal European subsidies to its aircraft industry, the U.S. administration is reportedly considering what is known as “carousel” retaliation against the EU – a regular rotation of goods targeted for tariffs, designed to impose maximum pain. The United States and Europe have been on this ride before.